πŸ“³LB Phone

Set your config to "Custom".

located: lb-phone/config/config.lua

Create a MEDIA API key and add it below to all 3

Located: lb-phone/server/apiKeys.lua

On UploadMethods at Custom. Replace for this

Located: lb-phone/shared/upload.lua

    Custom = {
        Video = {
            url = "https://api.fivemerr.com/v1/media/videos",
            field = "file", -- The field name (formData)
            headers = { -- headers to send when uploading
                ["Authorization"] = "API_KEY"
            error = {
                path = "success", -- The path to the error value (res.success)
                value = false -- If the path is equal to this value, it's an error
            success = {
                path = "url" -- The path to the video file (res.url)
        Image = {
            url = "https://api.fivemerr.com/v1/media/images",
            field = "file", -- The field name (formData)
            headers = { -- headers to send when uploading
                ["Authorization"] = "API_KEY"
            error = {
                path = "success", -- The path to the error value (res.success)
                value = false -- If the path is equal to this value, it's an error
            success = {
                path = "url" -- The path to the image file (res.url)
        Audio = {
            url = "https://api.fivemerr.com/v1/media/audios",
            field = "file", -- The field name (formData)
            headers = { -- headers to send when uploading
                ["Authorization"] = "API_KEY"
            error = {
                path = "success", -- The path to the error value (res.success)
                value = false -- If the path is equal to this value, it's an error
            success = {
                path = "url" -- The path to the audio file (res.url)

Should look like this now:

Restart your phone script and you're all set!

Last updated