Stripped apart from JD_Logsv3 Discord and converted to Fivemerr API log support.
π€ FiveM Logger by Fivemerr
A logging resource for your FiveM server that logs directly to Fivemerr's api.
FXServer With at least build:
Add your Fivemer Logs API Key on
server > main.lua
line 2.Configure your framework or standalone on
shared > config.lua
line 8.
Chat Logs
Join Logs
Spawn Logs (Based on specified framework)
Leave Logs
Damage Logs
Death Logs
Weapon Logs
Resource Logs
Explosion Logs
TxAdmin Logs
Screenshot Logs
Custom Logging
You may use fm-logs
to leverage custom reporting to Fivemerr by using the following export function:
The export can be used on both server and client sides.
Framework Support
This logger does not require a framework, however, if you use QBCore or ESX, you can set these in the config to display the player's character name in the logs on Fivemerr. Setting a framework will also enable the "playerConnected" log in the spawn logs as it will listen to the player loaded event based on the framework specified.
If you do not use a framework, simply set this to "standalone".
Last updated