
Stripped apart from JD_Logsv3 Discord and converted to Fivemerr API log support.

πŸ€“ FiveM Logger by Fivemerr

A logging resource for your FiveM server that logs directly to Fivemerr's api.



  • Add your Fivemer Logs API Key on server > main.lua line 2.

  • Configure your framework or standalone on shared > config.lua line 8.


  • Chat Logs

  • Join Logs

  • Spawn Logs (Based on specified framework)

  • Leave Logs

  • Damage Logs

  • Death Logs

  • Weapon Logs

  • Resource Logs

  • Explosion Logs

  • TxAdmin Logs

  • Screenshot Logs


Custom Logging

You may use fm-logs to leverage custom reporting to Fivemerr by using the following export function:

-- Example of a createLog function
    LogType = "Player", -- The log type, must be defined in Config.Logs
    Message = "Player action here", -- The message of the log
    Level = "info", -- The level of the log (can be filtered on Fivemerr) (info by default)
    Resource = "script-name", -- Resource where the log is coming from (If not provided, `fm-logs` will be set by default)
    Source = 1, -- Server id for player (Required for Player Attributes to be pulled)
    Metadata = {} -- Custom attributes to be added

The export can be used on both server and client sides.

Framework Support

This logger does not require a framework, however, if you use QBCore or ESX, you can set these in the config to display the player's character name in the logs on Fivemerr. Setting a framework will also enable the "playerConnected" log in the spawn logs as it will listen to the player loaded event based on the framework specified.

Framework = "qb", -- "qb" | "esx" | "standalone"

If you do not use a framework, simply set this to "standalone".


Last updated